Friday, June 23, 2006

Finished my days work. Just going through different websites using latest technology. Visted and found it interesting. But i sincerely wonder, how useful these "myspace" kind of concepts would be. Whole lot of it depends on how the entire web progresses crossing limitations of bandwidth. I'll definitely love to create my workarea on the web and stick to it provided i have limitless bandwidth :-)
Web can be so more useful if it continuously reaches out to different medium of communications. Its happening and a lot would depend on how we take it forward. Hmmm... long way to go. Gonna have some coffee..

1 comment:

Kapil Chhabra said...

Interesting site. They have generalized the ideas of and
Again, because of the limitations of bandwidth, I have written a small HTML on my local machine and have set it as my default page. It contains all the links I regularly visit + a random image from the net [if available] each time I open my web browser.
"All this, only because there is a need of such 'my space' kind of projects, and these is not enough bandwidth available to support it."